The overall objectives of the study are to determine the safety, tolerability and concentration in the blood of the study drug when evaluated in different conditions i.e., different dose strengths, following administration of single and multiple doses, and following administration in two different forms.
The study also aims to evaluate the effect of the study drug on the body, through the collection of blood samples at different times through the day.
Simbec-Orion Clinical Pharmacology will soon be running a two part study to investigate a drug called MB272.
The overall objectives of the study are to determine the safety, tolerability and concentration in the blood of the study drug when evaluated in different conditions i.e., different dose strengths, following administration of single and multiple doses, and following administration in two different forms.
The study also aims to evaluate the effect of the study drug on the body, through the collection of blood samples at different times through the day.
Simbec-Orion Clinical Pharmacology will soon be running a two part study to investigate a drug called MB272.
The overall objectives of the study are to determine the safety, tolerability and concentration in the blood of the study drug when evaluated in different conditions i.e., different dose strengths, following administration of single and multiple doses, and following administration in two different forms.
The study also aims to evaluate the effect of the study drug on the body, through the collection of blood samples at different times through the day.
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